Open Schooling together is a collaboration between 7 European H2020-projects to spread the word about how schools, local communities, policy-makers, museums, sciences centers and other local stakeholders can rethink learning boundaries.…
Extract from: When the place matters: moving the classroom into a museum to re-design a public space; di G. Barzanò, F. Amenduni, G. Cutello, M. Lissoni, C. Pecorelli, R. Quarta, L. Raffio, C. Regazzini, E. Zacchilli, M. B. Ligorio (2020)
Pupils in England and Wales head back to school: how teachers feel about the return
Charlotte Todd, Swansea University; Emily Marchant, Swansea University; Michaela James, Swansea University, and Sinead Brophy, Swansea University…
Have we devolved too much responsibility for our schools?
Kate Reynolds, Bath Spa University
The thorny issue of what democracy is, what it’s not and whether it is an appropriate system for government has been at the top of the…