STEAM capacity building
- Lithuania,Lithuania, Greece, Portugal, Greece, Spain, Netherlands; Vilnius, Kilkis, Sesimbra, Santiago de Compostela, Amsterdam
-  2016
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The “STEAM capacity building” is a free online course, designed for basic and secondary teachers, interested in STEAM education, integrated teaching and learning, innovative teaching methods, using ICT in the classroom. This interactive self-paced audio/video/text courses are created by the best Greeks, Lithuanian, Spanish, Netherlands, Portuguese teachers and designed to help teachers meet their educational goals.
Project goal:
To build a critical mass of teachers capable to implement a cohesive approach in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) teaching, which is based on ideas of values promotion, more complex integration in STEM education and learner-focused approach, and contribute to the development of a responsible individual, who uses science to contribute to the progress and well-being of society.
Project objectives:
- To identify new and explore effective forms and methods in STEM teaching, learning and assessment; -- To share the experience of good practice on increasing students’ interest in STEM and creative STEM application through engaging, integrated STEM learning activities tailored to learner needs and capabilities; -- Developing students’ skills of creativity and critical thinking, STMD competences (STMD = mathematical competence, basic competencies in science and technology, digital competence) social and civic competences;
- To guide teachers, how to organize STEM teaching based on values promotion, more complex integration in STEM education and learner-focused approach;
- To develop teachers’ skills and competencies necessary for cohesive STEM education implementation;
- To support the development of an international network of STEM teachers and peer learning community.
For being to strengthen didactic and key competencies of teachers, the program developers created a variety of training methods and working techniques in correspondence to the different learning styles: gamification methodology, STEAM techniques, collaborative problem-solving methods.
MOOC. Massive online courses as a form will guarantee that we reach the maximum possible number of teachers in STEM-focused schools and at the same time will ensure equal opportunities for the best STEM subject teachers from schools not focused in STEM. MOOC will also provide a virtual meeting and discussion space for international peers. As a consequence, it will contribute to the scalability of implementation and provision of distance learning opportunities. The course evaluation questionnaires will be built in MOOC to collect participant feedback to be used in modifying/updating the final product.
Long-Term Professional Development Program. It will increase the competencies of STEM teachers and will make them aware of the very recent developments in science education. At the same time, Professional Development Program will introduce and train on effective forms and methods in STEM teaching, learning and assessment.
The practice has many similarities with our (SNELLMAN’s) LEC plan: to design and implement a science education instructor training.
The inquiry-based design of the program facilitates an understanding and mastering the logic of inquiry in teaching practice.
The developing of the program requires experts from various disciplines: pedagogies, e-learning specialists and STEM education specialists.
During the developing, the experts brought their practical knowledge to the program.
Building a high-quality MOOC and Professional Development Program is challenging. It requires dynamic and robust collaboration between the partners and the teachers.
The MOOC contributes to the provision of distance learning opportunities.
When I look at the versatile and comprehensive content list of the MOOC, ( 2/) I am convinced myself that the cooperation must be very successful.
The knowledge transfers to schools and other institutions via the teachers who participate in the courses created in the program.